I won money in a business competition! how? read this post to find out :)

This blog focuses on photography…and business.  Together.  So..I did one post on photography tonight (my own business actually) and this post will focus on the business side of things. Yesterday evening I won $600 at a business competition hosted at … Continue reading


Hello followers! For those of you who have been keeping up with my weekly posts, I haven’t really posted much about myself and what is is that I do.  For those of you who haven’t been following my posts…read the … Continue reading

White balance: what is it? How do you use it?

So far, we have been talking about operating your camera in manual, getting yourself out there using linkedin.com, forums, and other things but I’m going to talk about something incredibly simple yet incredibly difficult at the same time today.  White balance.  Some … Continue reading

Shooting in Manual. Get away from automatic!

Why would a photographer need to shoot in manual? Well…because automatic limits you. Most cameras are set up so that the automatic function just makes sure that it “gets the shot”. The camera doesn’t care if the shot looks great, … Continue reading