Using Reddit to gain stats~How it went!

I posted earlier today how I was attempting to use a link post on Reddit to help bring some peeps over to this blog.  I wasn’t very successful, but I did gain 13 new viewers directly from Reddit.  35 people viewed my post on Shooting in Manual today which is the link that I posted onto Reddit. 
Just because I didn’t have much luck on this post doesn’t meant that I won’t have luck on posting anything in the future.  Maybe I just need to change up my wording or post onto a different category in Reddit?  Who knows…
Have you had any Reddit experiences?  Let me know in the comment section below 🙂

Posted to Reddit…

In an attempt to gain some new viewers for this blog, I posted a link to it on  I can honestly say that I have been very frustrated in attempting to post something to Reddit.  There are so many subcategories that each time I posted, someone yelled at me for posting in the wrong place.  Hopefully I don’t get yelled at for posting this time.  Since my most viewed post was how to shoot in manual, I went ahead and submitted a link to that post to Reddit.  Lets see if my stats go up, shall we? :o) I will be posting again shortly this evening to let you guys know how Reddit helped to gain some views for this blog.  Keep watching for new posts!

What is Reddit?
Well if you click on the link that I just provided above ^ you will see a page that defines reddit really well.  If you don’t wish to click the link, basically all you need to know is that reddit is this:

reddit is a source for what’s new and popular on the web.

Users like you provide all of the content and decide, through voting, what’s good and what’s junk.

Links that receive community approval bubble up towards #1, so the front page is constantly in motion and (hopefully) filled with fresh, interesting links.