Meet Casey

First and Foremost

I belong to Jesus.

My friends deserve ALL of my attention when needed.

My family is incredible and supports me in what I do EVERY day. ♥

So…this is me.

Since 2009, I have photographed families within an hour’s distance from Penn Laird, Virginia.  My interest in photography all began with a small point-and-shoot that belonged to the family more-so than it did me.  I guess I sort of stole it after a while.  With absolutely no other way to learn but through trial and error, I switched the mode to “M” and began teaching myself.  I had had no previous experience in shooting manual before, and I’m not exactly sure why I felt the need to do it, but something made me want to go farther than I knew the average person would.  Books, the internet, and of course my cat…were what I used to begin my photographing journey.

I’ve always learned through experience.  Not being taught.  That point-and-shoot camera took me far.  I like to think…had I not messed up the exposure so many times that all I had left to do was get it right, I never would have learned my camera as well as I did.  This is also what I teach my photography students during seminars.  Never give up, and when you can’t learn any more from the books, go take a few horribly over/underexposed pictures until you figure out everything there is to know about that camera.  Then you can go for consistency.

Within the next year, at the age of 16, a Canon Rebel t1i and I first met.  We hit it off.  (By the way…the Rebels make great starter cameras).  For the next three years, my Rebel served me in various shoots: children, seniors, engagements, weddings, family, events, etc.  My first paid photo-op was a birthday party.  I never would have made a dime from photography had my clients never put their trust in me as their photographer.  Photography didn’t cross my mind as a possible career until after I was asked to shoot that birthday party in Staunton by a mother who has now become a yearly client for me.  Along with my family, she saw the potential in me.  Can I just say…I’m so glad!

In the year 2012, I acquired my first professional camera the 5D mark ii.  I have prized this camera more than any other!  I now work as a second shooter for each wedding done by Gitchells Photography, and love love LOVE working with them.  My business has expanded as well, and I am finding myself busier and busier with each passing day doing exactly what I love.  This isn’t a job to me.  It is not work.  It is a lifestyle, a way of thinking, and a way of looking at the world through careful eyes, letting moments pass before me and not behind me.  No longer do I only see a family ready for pictures.  I can see the joy passed between each person through loving glances, warming belly laughs, and shy smiles.

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