Hello followers!
For those of you who have been keeping up with my weekly posts, I haven’t really posted much about myself and what is is that I do.  For those of you who haven’t been following my posts…read the last sentence.  I’d like to correct that wrong. 😉

What is Simply Memorable Photography?  Started in 2009, Simply Memorable Photography is the growing business which I have come to love and proudly call mine.  The products being sold include: photographs, digital images, frames, framed prints, photo-books, albums, DVDs and cases, etc.  However, the focus of the business is to engage with clients and get to know the people in my area.  I want to show off my clients in their photos!


By 2012, I had began to do weddings and I LOVE them.  Everyone seemed to want to tell me that as a young photographer, I would find myself in a very stressful situation if I were to photograph a wedding either on my own or with another photographer.  They were wrong.  Yes, of course a wedding can be stressful, but it is also very fun! I really enjoy interacting with both the bride and the groom months before the wedding and learning what they envision their special day to look like.  I also get to learn a lot about the couple! Because I am local, a lot of my clients know eachother and I find that when I am meeting with a couple to book their wedding it is because they saw the images from a previous wedding that I had done!  Besides the social part of it, I would have to say that my favorite thing about weddings is getting to view the ENTIRE wedding day from the bride getting her make-up done, to hair, shoes, dress, ceremony, reception, cake-cutting… the whole sha-bang. I am always there for all of it.  When I am in a parlor, studio, dressing room, or hotel with the bride and her bridesmaids watching them laugh and interact and hearing about inside jokes and how long they have known eachother, I get this sense of being a part of the wedding not just as the photographer but as a new friend of the bride herself!


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I also really enjoy shooting families and children.  Besides weddings, these may be my favorite.  To see the faces of children as they crack up and all the different ways that I have to pose myself to get them to smile for the camera is such a joy!  I often will encourage kids by showing them the back of my camera so that they can see how they are doing.  Some kids love that, others couldn’t care less.  Every once in a while, I get a kid who just nails every shot and we get to goof off a bit.

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If you want to view more of my work, please visit and click on the gallery tab.  It won’t take much time at all :).  For my fellow photogs out there, I encourage you to constantly be viewing the work of other photographers! Seeing what others do can improve your work simply in that you will have a better eye for what’s possible in the photo world.  Do so with the idea of being inspired rather than discouraged.  Thanks!

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  1. Pingback: I won money in a business competition! how? read this post to find out :) | Photo Biz Blog

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