Feature: Katelyn James Photography

I feel like I need to start off with just…how much I love this photographer’s style.



The reason I really want to talk about Katelyn James Photography is because she is such a successful blogger as well as a photographer.  Not only does she get to photograph all around the world earning thousands of dollars doing what she loves, but she also has a blog that gets thousands upon thousands of views each week.  I think we could all learn a little something about blogging from her.  One minute on her site and I’ve already figured out a few things:

First, her posts have so much personality in them that I actually WANT to read them. 

Secondly, I don’t have to figure out how to operate her blog.  Its already really easy.  Each of her posts are laid out on the first page in neat little sections that I can click on to my heart’s delight.  O:)

Thirdly, I just really love her photography…

Take a few minutes to just browse through her site.  I’ll even give you a link: katelynjamesblog.com.  Notice the way she has it laid out…how each post is relevant…how each post is visually appealing.  What’s the point of her site? To inform? Sell? Show off her glorious photography?  There’s so much to learn from her success!

2 thoughts on “Feature: Katelyn James Photography

  1. Pingback: 10 new list post ideas | Photo Biz Blog

  2. Pingback: Linkedin.com part 1: What is it? | Photo Biz Blog

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